Monday, 18 miles... din't spare the horses, wind was up, but felt good.
Tuesday, 50 miles... been planning this route for a while as a baseline ride to measure progress over time. Did it in 3 1/2 hours. Felt good during first part of the ride, but energy soon went as I had forgot to take a snack with me to re-fuel. Recovering after that ride felt like I'd gone right back to my first ride at the beginning of last year. I truly felt crap.
Wednesday, 30 miles... I remembered snacks this time. Some mini (bite sized) stroop-waffles from Lidl (don't tell TBY). Ride felt much better after focusing upon recovery the night before. I left the ride while late in the afternoon also to aid recovery also. I could have bailed on Wednesday, but since Sam is working Thursday, getting out on the bike was going to be difficult. Main aim for the ride was to find some hills and earn the right to bomb down them.
Thursday, stripped the drive chain off the bike, gave it a thorough wash/de-grease and re-assembled.
I'm planning a big one for tomorrow. Probably 100k. Sam wants me back for 12noon, so I need to be out of the house before 8.00am to achieve that. Can't decide whether to head for the hills in the peak district again, or whether to go out into the flat areas around Doncaster and North Yorkshire. The hills have the edge at the moment as I want to conquer Mam Tor from the Eastern approach, but I'll see how it goes in the morning.
Final note is that I have now raised the sponsorship money necessary for my ride from the Preseli Mountains to Stonehenge in September. I would like to pay a big thank you to everyone who has sponsored me.
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